Welcome back!

Welcome back to Term 4, we hope you all have had a lovely break and are ready for a big last term. This term we are looking at creating Language experiences through experiments, problem solving experiences, Procedural and Persuasive writing. In numeracy we are continuing to learn about Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and fractions.

Here are some photos of our week 1.

Book Week Dress Up

The students in Grade One had a FANTASTIC day yesterday as we celebrated Book Week.

We enjoyed engaging in a variety of story and literacy-based activities, while also going on a numeracy based Where’s Wally? hunt.

Here are some photos from our day:


Hello Grade One Families, in 1B the students have been enjoying our hands-on and engaging numeracy activities that have been targeted at the development of different numeracy skills and understand.

In maths we have been learning all about ways we can measure and compare the length, capacity, and mass of various everyday objects. We have also been learning all about division and how share a collection of objects out into equal groups.

Below are some photos of the students working together to problem solve while learning about division.

After working in groups students used craft materials to create their own cookies. They then used their cookies as a hands-on resource while learning to share out a collection of objects into equal groups:


In Measurement and Geometry, we have been learning to measure and compare the length and capacity of different everyday objects. Here are some photos of some of the fun activities and experiences have been participating in.

Relating measurement to our everyday world by making JELLY 🙂

What’s been happening in 1M the past week

Exploring capacity in the sandpit
Exploring capacity in the sandpit
Exploring capacity in the sandpit
Layers of the Ocean Experiment
Layers of the Ocean Experiment
Layers of the Ocean Experiment
1M reward time. They filled our star jar by scoring 10+ each time in specialists, and this is what they chose for a reward 🙂
1M reward time. They filled our star jar by scoring 10+ each time in specialists, and this is what they chose for a reward 🙂

Beacy Spirit Award Winners

Well done to all of our wonderful students who recieved the Beacy Spirit Award over the last two weeks.

You all bring something wonderful to our school community and should be so very proud of your hard work and efforts.

Language Experience Day – Term 2

At the end of Term 2 the students in Grade 1 enjoyed exploring some of the different State of Australia and New Zealand whilst engaging in a variety of hands on and interactive learning experiences in each of the grades. Here are some photos of some of the learning and fun that took place on this day.

Learning about Measurement

In numeracy we have been learning about informal units of measurement – length. Here are some snippets of the students having fun measuring themselves and objects in and around the classroom 🙂

Week 6, Beacy Spirit Award Winners

Hello Grade One Families, unfortunately we have had some technical issues with our blog over the last few weeks. Now that it is back working, we will be sure to catch you up on all the amazing things we have been doing. Here are our amazing award winners for week 6. As always, we are very proud of them for helping to make our school community so wonderful 🙂