100 Nights of Reading Club

Here is our first round of readers who made it to 100 Nights of Reading. Well Done to you all! Keep it up! Lets see who can make 200 or 300 by the end of the year.


Welcome back to Term 2. The week started with commemorating ANZAC Day. Here is a small snapshot of some of the activities the students took part in on Monday.

Cross Country

Wow!! What a sensational display of determination, ‘having a go’ and team work we saw this morning at Cross Country. We are very proud of how well they all did and how they cheered their peers along as they raced. Every student that ran, walked and cheered this morning should be very proud of their… Continue reading Cross Country

Week 11 in 1M

We have enjoyed a more relaxed pace this week – incorporating a little bit Easter into our literacy, numeracy and wellbeing activities and rotations and consolidating some of the learning from this term. Here’s a snapshot of the learning fun we’ve had.

Grade Ones Working Together Day

What a FANTASTIC day our students had today while participating in our ‘Grade Ones Working Together Day’. While engaging in a variety of enriched community and wellbeing based activities the students learnt about ways they can support their own and others wellbeing. This included learning how to keep ourselves and others safe in the community,… Continue reading Grade Ones Working Together Day


Today the students enjoyed learning all about Harmony Day. Harmony day is a day where we celebrate the importance of creating an inclusive and welcoming community where all people’s cultures and diverse needs are welcome. It is about spreading harmony and ensuring that everyone feels as though they belong. To celebrate Harmony Day the students… Continue reading HARMONY DAY IN GRADE ONE