3H excursion photos

Grade 3H enjoyed a wonderful time exploring the different vegetation on our excursion to the Royal Cranbourne Botanic Gardens.

3A Cranbourne Gardens

3A had a great time exploring Cranbourne Gardens. It was a great way to celebrate learning about Australian biomes this term.

3K Excursion

We had a great time on our excursion to the Cranbourne Gardens last week, exploring the many different types of plants found in Australia’s various biomes!

3K Learning

We have been having lots of fun in 3K lately, working hard on our dioramas and rewriting The Three Little Pigs!

Beacy Spirit Week 9

Well done Macey, Cooper, Holly, Ophelia and Wes for receiving the Beacy Spirit award this week.

Writing in 3H

This week Grade 3H have been working on a shared writing experience focusing on perspective.

The students are making efforts to include descriptive  and emotive language, adjectives and adverbs in the hope to support the reader’s visualisations.

Beacy Spirit Week 7

Congratulations to our Beacy Spirit award recipients. Well done Bailey, Poppy, Ollie, Christopher, Tori, Kaylee, Brooklyn and Hudson.

Book Week

This week we are exploring the magic of reading through a variety of activities. Students have engaged in tasks that include, reflecting on their character they dressed up as on Monday, writing and drawing about the connections they make with stories, writing a book review, a whole school book week quiz and a scavenger hunt. Students participated in a parade at assembly to show their awesome character costumes to the community.

Beacy Spirit Week 5

Congratulations Mila, Amelie, Josh, Nate, Finn, Murray, Tahj and Elijah.

Beacy Spirit Week 3

Congratulations to Sarah, Oscar, Elliot, Haley, Henry, Hugo and Louis.